Halifax West High School

September 28th, 2017

Any students interested in participating in the Halifax West Annual Multicultural show which showcases students talent from all over the world should attend a meeting on Thursday, September 28th, in the green room (at the end of the Drama hallway. At the beginning of the lunch hour. If you cannot attend but are still interested then please contact Ms. Tufts or Ms. de la Chevotiere. 

On Wednesday, October 4th HWHS will be hosting the AARAO Career fair in the gymnasium.  The Career Fair will give our grade 11 and 12 students an opportunity to learn more about post-secondary opportunities in Atlantic Canada.  For more information, please see the bulletin board outside Guidance.

The Learning Center is looking for two litre pop bottles clear or green to complete the green house.  Any pop bottles brought in will be greatly appreciated.

There will be a meeting for World Involvement plus any student volunteering at the car wash this Saturday in Mme. Fougere’s room C144 at lunch today. 

There will be an important but short boys "a" soccer meeting today in the French lab at 12:25.

Our annual Yearbook cover contest is starting back up, anyone interested in creating a design for the 2017-18 yearbook cover please bring in your design to room C149 any time before October 6th.

The yearbook committee will be collecting Grade 12 baby pictures for the 2017-18 year book. For any grade twelves interested in submitting a photo, please bring it to room C149 any time before October 6th.

Our Participation 150 playlist activity is approaching! This Monday Oct 2nd at lunch in the gym. It’s going to be Student vs Teacher Tug Of War! If you're interested make a team of 6 and sign up on the sports board! 

Our West Football Home Opener is this Monday @7pm! If you don't already have West wear you can stop by our one stop warriors shop on the third floor and purchase some!

There will be a Girls Varsity Soccer game today @4 vs SHS @Burnside Turf and a Boys @6pm vs Sommet @Sommet, Good luck Warriors! There will be a Girls b soccer practice @3:45-4:30 @Mainland.

There will be a warrior’s live meeting in room A310 today at lunch. Don’t forget to bring your application forms in! And if you are still interested in joining warriors live applications are in the office! "

Interested in helping out your community? Student Government is hosting their annual Wake-A-Thon in support of the Brunswick Street Mission on October 20th. Students participating will spend the night in the school partaking in various activities. There will be an information meeting for those interested Monday at lunch in Mme. Fougere’s room C144. Pledge forms will also be available in the office next week. We’d love to see you there!

Grad Photo Sessions will begin on Monday.  Please sign-up in the office for a time.  There is a $20.00 sitting fee payable to the photographer.