Halifax West High School

June 15th, 2018

June 16th, you are invited to attend a First Nations Drumming Circle with Women of the Shore at Keshen Goodman Library. This event begins at 2:30.


This is a reminder that if you have any library books or textbooks, they are due back before exams or on the day of your exams. If you own books you will not get your final transcript.  If you are not sure what you have out stop by the library and ask.


The following students need to see MS. Duggan:

Genna Dauphinee, Ofelia Rodriguez, Lauren Gray, Kate Power, Luke Davison, Ethan Garnier and Simon Salah


If you ordered gradwear, you may pick it up at lunch or after school in the caf.  You may also pick it up on Monday.  That's gradwear, to be picked up in the caf at lunch or after school today, tomorrow as well as on Monday."


Congratulations to yearbook-winner Phillip Arab!  Please see Madame Caracristi or Madame Sydney in the French department today to collect your yearbook.