Halifax West High School

September 26th, 2017

Any students interested in participating in the Halifax West Annual Multicultural show which showcases students talent from all over the world should attend a meeting on Thursday, September 28th, in the green room (at the end of the Drama hallway.) at the beginning of the lunch hour. If you cannot attend but are still interested then please contact Ms. Tufts or Ms. de la Chevotiere. 

On Wednesday, October 4th HWHS will be hosting the AARAO Career fair in the gymnasium.  The Career Fair will give our grade 11 and 12 students an opportunity to learn more about post-secondary opportunities in Atlantic Canada.  Students will be called down according to alphabet.  There will also be a Parent Information Session held that same evening from 6-7pm in the gym.  We encourage students and parents to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity.

There will be a meeting on Tuesday, September 26th at lunch for any students interested in a two week March break trip to China in room C243.

The Learning Center is looking for two litre pop bottles clear or green to complete the green house.  Any pop bottles brought in will be greatly appreciated.

The boys soccer team defeated Lockview 7-2  yesterday afternoon.  The boys were led by league scoring leader Ayoub Al Arabi with 3 goals and singles went to Curtis Gangl, Cullen Macleod, Brett Harrington and Shawn Redondo. The boys are advised that there is no practice after school today and training will resume Wednesday after school.

The West's first Coffee House of the year is happening tomorrow night (Wednesday) at 7 p.m. here in the cafeteria. It will cost $2 at the door, and the proceeds will be going to Hurricane Harvey relief funds. There will also be a bake sale for Hurricane relief funds at the entrance, so be sure to bring some extra change. Come out to see some great talent and have some snacks.

Our annual Yearbook cover contest is starting back up, anyone interested in creating a design for the 2017-18 yearbook cover please bring in your design to room C149 any time before October 6th.

The yearbook committee will be collecting Grade 12 baby pictures for the 2017-18 year book. For any grade twelves interested in submitting a photo, please bring it to room C149 any time before October 6th.

There will be a bake sale Wednesday at lunch near the caf to support the leukaemia and lymphoma society for the annual light the night walk! Stop by and grab a treat!

Our first Best Buddies is this Wednesday in the learning centre. All buddies are welcome.

Also on Wednesday, there will be an information meeting for anyone interested in joining the Prom Committee. The meeting will take place at lunch in room C149. Anyone is welcome!

There will be a Varsity Girls Soccer game today @4pm vs Lockview @Mainland and our Boys Volleyball team is having their Home Opener tomorrow @6pm vs Carrefour in the West gym. Come out and support your fellow warriors!

Our Participation 150 playlist activity is approaching! This Monday Oct 2nd at lunch in the gym. It’s going to be Student vs Teacher Tug Of War! If you're interested make a team of 6 and sign up on the sports board!

Our West Football Home Opener is this Monday @7pm! If you don't already have West wear you can stop by our one stop warriors shop on the third floor and purchase some!"

OPEN ART STUDIO is back up and running on Tuesday (that’s TODAY) and Thursday lunches in room B327. All are welcome. See Ms. Perry for any further details…  

LaSalle College, Vancouver, a post-secondary art school is sending Stewart Winrob into HWHS, B327 3rd block Wednesday, Sept 27th to give a 45 minute presentation on career exploration in the visual arts. Any grade 11 and 12 students available and interested in this field are welcome to join us. See Ms. Perry with any further questions.

There will be open Improv Games Wednesday at lunch in the Drama Room; everyone is welcome to come and enjoy the fun!

There will be a meeting for World Involvement plus any student volunteering at the car wash this Saturday in Mme. Fougere’s room C144 at lunch today. 

There will be a brief but important cross-country meeting today in Mrs. Brennan’s room at the beginning of lunch.  It is regarding the race tomorrow at Point Pleasant Park.  Also would Conteh Yeawah see Mrs. Brennan today.

There will be a Boys B soccer team meeting in the gym at start of lunch.

Interact Club meets Mondays at lunch in C329.  Next Monday, Oct 2, we will be voting for board positions. Please show up and listen to speeches.  If you are interested in a board position, grab a form in the office to apply.