Halifax West High School

April 12th, 2018

Today is the last day to apply for the Halifax West Internal Awards you must complete an on-line application form by using your GNSPES Account. 

A representative from NS Student Assistance (Student Loans) will be in to give a presentation to interested grade 12s on Wednesday, April 18 D block in the theatre. This will be a very useful session as they have made lots of great changes for students that can mean lots of savings and money for you. Make sure to attend so you don’t miss out! Your attendance will be taken care of if you have to miss class.

Students planning on attending Dramafest are reminded that the registration deadline is April 16. Students must also pick up a permission form from Ms. Cross in the Drama Room once they have registered online.

The Nova Scotia International Student program is looking for Student Ambassadors for the 2018-2019 School Year. Student ambassadors work with and mentor students who come to Canada for a term or for the entire school year. The ambassador will be a liaison between staff and students and help students get settled.  They also help organize fun events for students while they are studying in Canada.  Students come from Europe, Asia and South America and ambassadors make lifelong friends.  Student Ambassadors should to be non IB students who have some free time to spend with students daily.  If you are interested and want to know more see Mr. Trivett in the library. 

There will be an ultimate Frisbee practice this Friday from 5:00-6:30 pm.

There is a WE Schools meeting in C340, Mrs. Skelhorn's room on Friday at lunch.

The Raspberry PI 3D Scanner and Programming clubs will meet today at lunch in Room B320 - new members always welcome.

The prom committee is selling a raffle basket that is filled with items that can help you prepare for prom. The basket is worth over $300 and has many items such as fashion and beauty coupons, free eyelash extensions, a free spray tan and a free tux rental. Tickets will be on sale in the caf until April 20th. Tickets are 1 for $2 or 3 for $5. Gets yours today!

There's a girls lacrosse practice today after school from 3:30-5:00.

There's a girls softball practice from 5:00-6:30.

Choir members please bring your lunch and be ready to sing by 12:40 today.

Also, the music room will not be open after school today.

Halifax West girls field hockey offence keeps it flowing in a 10 – 2 win over Armbrae!  The goal scores were Zahra Newman and Haley Kardas with their first goals of the season and Erin Freeman with a 5 goal game. Big week next week with 3 games on the schedule … come out and cheer your West Warriors on!

There will three junior university summer camps in Halifax, Antigonish and Sydney for Indigenous youth who are interested in learning about health careers. If you are interested, please see Ms. Fleming for details. Application deadline is May 25th. 

Thank you to everyone that participated in our 14th annual Head for a Cure. We will be announcing the grand total in the next two weeks, due to monies still coming in, and next week's Coffeehouse in support of the Terry Fox Foundation. Once again - thank you to all our Warriors for being a part of such an important event and fundraiser.