November 19th, 2019
Tuesday November 19, 2019
Jack chapter members and any new interested students can meet today at lunch in the science area painting pod.
A fresh re-launching of Connect the Dots, a safe gathering of 2SLGBTQ+ youth and allies is happening today after school at the Keshen Goodman Library, 330-5pm.
A reminder to all Student Gov members of the Full gov meeting today at lunch in the seminar room.
Halifax West now has a Politics club! We meet on Mondays in room C144 in the French pod. We meet to debate, to learn how to get involved and participate in round table discussions with local politicians. If you are interested in politics, come check it out every Monday at lunch.
A reminder to all Model Parliament participants of our Protocol Boot camp meeting at lunch this Friday, November 22.
Mascot Showdown tickets are still on sale for $12. There are only 5 tickets left for the event! We will meet after school on Thursday for pizza and our bus will leave at 5:00pm. Don't miss out on this fun HRM event!
Do you want to see your design on the cover of the yearbook? Our cover contest is now open! We’re also looking for any student works to be featured. Art, poetry and short stories are welcome! Drop off your design to room C143 by December 1st to have your work featured!
What’s your blood type?
Blood type testing is November 20 in front of the Bella Rose and the Blood Drive is on Nov 25 in the Youth Health Centre.
You MUST be 17 years or older
You MUST have a government issued ID
And there is free pizza if you participate.
Grad Proofs have arrived from the November photo sitting. Please come to the office to pick up your proofs.