January 16th, 2020
Thursday January 16, 2020
Exemption Forms are available from your D block teacher. If this is your free it would be in the office. All forms must be signed by all of your teachers and returned to the office NO LATER THAN 3:30pm THURSDAY, Jan 16th. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Any girls interested in trying out for the girl’s rugby team are asked to attend a meeting on Monday, January 20th in room B216 at lunch
Halifax West, we are hosting our first ever study night here at the school next Wednesday evening, January 22nd from 6-8pm. Some teachers from each department will be on site to help answer student's questions and snacks will be provided. The cafeteria and library spaces will be open for studying. If you are interested in coming, sign up on the sheet on the office windows. This will give us an idea of how many teachers from each subject area we may need.
Halifax West water bottles and socks are still available. Get yours in the caf on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at lunch.
Health Action Team meeting for today is cancelled.
Girl on Fire applications are due tomorrow, Friday and should be given to Marwa in YMCA or Cheryl in Youth Health Centre.
Music students please note that the music room will not be open after school today so get your instruments before last period.