Halifax West High School

December 3rd, 2019

Tuesday December 3, 2019

Grade 12 students interested in applying to be the HWHS nominee for the Schulich Leader Scholarship, please pick up an application in guidance and submit it by Monday, December 9 at 3:20pm. Halifax West is allowed to nominate one person.

The Winter Coffee House is fast approaching! Tomorrow, Wednesday December 4th, bring your family and friends along for a night of ‘feel good’ content, and bring a non-perishable food donation in lieu of a $2 admission. As always, the sign-up sheet is on the call board at the end of the drama hallway

Attention Halifax West, the Prom Committee will be running a prom dodge ball tournament fundraiser next week at lunch! Registration forms are in the main office, and registration is only $5 per team!  There will be prizes given to the winning team; come out and support the Prom Committee next week at lunch

There will be a Prom Bake Sale on Friday Dec. 6th - bring some change and enjoy some holiday inspired treats!
Students and staff, check out our new WEST swag in the caf on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays on the red cart. We are currently selling West water bottles and west socks.

A reminder to all Model Parliament members of our brief but important meeting Wednesday at lunch in room C144.

The full student government meeting today at lunch will be held in room C144, NOT in the seminar room.

On Friday morning, Student Gov will be serving up free hot cocoa to anyone who brings a mug! Bring your own mug and enjoy a little winter warm up on Friday morning in the main lobby.